Sales Quotation

Sales Quotation

♦  Automatically transfer a prospective customer to current customer status when a quote becomes
an order.
♦  Manage prospective customer contacts with the combination of the tickler and comment systems.  
Set a new contact date and the system sends you a reminder message to contact that prospective
customer on that date.  Detailed comments can be maintained for each contact.  
♦  Flexible document merging enables you to print labels and form letters to prospective customers
or produce a list of all prospective customers in a single category.

♦  Printing labels and mail merge.
♦  Printing sales quotes to printer or to a file.
♦  Prospective customer quick lookup.
♦  Prospective customer tracking.
♦  Sales lead rating of prospective customers.
♦  Sales lead tracking with automatic tickling.
♦  Sales quotation production.
♦  Sales quote confirmation creates sales order, committing invoices.
♦  Sales quotes copying from existing to new ones.
♦  Task tickler quick look up.
♦  Tickler system also connected to tasks list.
♦  Unlimited comments.
♦  Active Leads Report.
♦  Open Sales Quotes Report.
♦  Prospective Customer Labels.
♦  Prospective Customer Listing.
♦  Prospective Customer Mail Merge.