Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
♦ Apply Cash Receipts automatically to the oldest open items or manually to specific invoices.
♦ Automatically calculate and apply finance charges for the specified statement cycle.
♦ Eliminate manual errors by automatically creating and printing bank deposit slips.
♦ Print customer statements based on statement cycle, range of customer numbers, customer type, and
minimum balance.
♦ A/R Trade Account associated with each customer.
♦ Age receivables and date buckets defined by user.
♦ Audit and activity reports before posting to G/L.
♦ Automatic finance charge calculation, editing if needed before posting.
♦ Automatic order hold processing based on customer credit limits.
♦ Batch Cash Receipts, for customers with many daily checks.
♦ Flexible aged receivable reporting using multiple selection criteria.
♦ Inquiry includes A/R high balance amount & date, terms, limit & more.
♦ Non-customer cash receipts.
♦ On-demand statements and customer labels.
♦ On-line summary of total customer credit exposure.
♦ Open item inquiry/unlimited history inquiry.
♦ Receipts applied on account to specific invoices.
♦ Statement message can be associated with customer.
♦ Accounts Receivable Statement Print.
♦ Aged Open Items Report with user-defined aging buckets, by customer terms.
♦ Cash Receipts G/L Summary Report.
♦ Cash Receipts Journal Listing.
♦ Cash Receipts Deposit Slips.
♦ Closed Item Purge Listing.
♦ Customer Labels.
♦ Customer Terms Code Listing.
♦ Daily Accounts Receivable Activity Report.
♦ Finance Charge Edit Listing.
♦ Transaction Code Listing.
♦ Trial Balance Report.